PACCAR to showcase three new truck models in Brisbane

PACCAR Australia will showcase three new truck models at the upcoming Brisbane Truck Show, including a new variant of the DAF CF85, an all-new DAF medium-duty model, and the newly developed Kenworth T610.
According to PACCAR Australia’s Director Sales and Marketing, Brad May, the Queensland event will mark the official launch of the PACCAR MX-13-equipped DAF CF85 after teasing the upgrade at the end of 2016.
“DAF has a well-earned reputation for building quality trucks that deliver excellent efficiency, reliability and durability as well as a high degree of comfort, safety and drivability,” May explained.
“And, versatility can be added, with the CF85 now offering 510hp. With two CF85s on display, one in prime mover and the other in rigid configuration, patrons can see first-hand the breadth of the DAF range.”
Also on display for the first time will be the DAF FAP LF 280, a medium-duty model for city and regional distribution. Sporting a ‘lift-up axle’, it has reportedly been designed to suit heavier loads while also providing fuel and tyre wear benefits when running with lesser loads.
According to May, the two new models are expected to demonstrate the DAF brand’s true strength in the Australian marketplace.
PACCAR’s Kenworth brand, meanwhile, will focus on the new T610 model, and the respective T610SAR version.
“The T610 is Kenworth’s most innovative, durable and productive truck yet, designed and manufactured in Australia for local conditions and applications. The result of more than 100,000 Australian design hours and more than ten million kilometres of testing and validation, [it marks] the single largest investment in product development PACCAR Australia has ever made,” May said – indicating that the response to the new model so far has been “overwhelming”.
“Since launching the product officially in December last year…more than 4,000 people have experienced the T610, and the Brisbane Truck Show will give even more the opportunity to get up close.”