Transforce Bulk Haulage - First Certified Carbon Neutral Heavy Transport Company in Australia
Congratulations to Steve Fields and Transforce Bulk Haulage! They're the first Australian heavy transport company to be certified Carbon Neutral!
Truckie Steve Fieldus is taking his carbon neutral commitment on the road with a newly branded B-Double, one of a fleet of eleven at his company Transforce Bulk Haulage.
His newly branded truck is the first in Australia to carry the distinctive green and white certification Carbon Neutral trademark (logo).
Transforce Bulk Haulage is the first heavy transporter in Australia to be certified Carbon Neutral, making Steve a true environmental leader, showing the way for the future of trucking in the low carbon economy.
Mr Fieldus was today formally presented with Carbon Neutral Certification at the Carbon Farmers Conference in Dubbo, by The Honourable Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change.